All resources listed are, to my knowledge, free to use for non-commercial purposes (ie. your NeoCities site). Please follow creators' individual attribution rules.Remember: Hotlinking (linking directly to the site you found the graphic on) is rude! Be a good netizen and host all graphics on your own site.
- sadgrl online - many resources for neocities creators
- evergreen - another resource repository!
- hekate's neocities - some graphics + generators
- - free file hosting with direct linking. Max 200mb per file.
- DeviantArt - Good resource for graphics assets like stamps and page decor.
- King-Lulu-Deer's F2U Pixel Art
- Enchanted Castle - Pixel art
- Pixel scenes from Cyworld, Sayclub, etc.
- More pixel scenes from Cyworld, Sayclub, etc.
- ohpixels - collection of found pixel art
- pixel dreams - collection of found pixel art. Also check out their directory of tumblr pixel blogs here
- pixel soup - collection of found pixel art
- Castleberry Arts - web graphics
- Neckdoll - Gothic web material
- 1kb Web Sozai - graphics and web materials (Sozai - Graphics; Kowaza - HTML/CSS elements)
- The 88x31 GIF Collection
- Bonnibel's Graphic Collection
- Fool Lovers (Material - Graphics; Template - Site layouts. Use the Menu box on the right to navigate different sections of the material.)
- Sanrio sticker scans
- The Icon Depot - Win9X-style icons and some other graphics
- sayclubdoll - a Tumblr archive of sayclub graphics
- Boodle Box - funny graphics like fake awards and ads
- The Blink Exchange - parody banner ads
- Chokochokohouse - funky sozai! Use the big colorful tabs on the sides of the site to navigate to different categories, then navigate pages through the submenu in the sidebar. The site author requires attribution in the form of a link.
- A-pu-pu - Sozai. Modification of materials is permitted with link to the original page.
- Prismatic-Realm - animecore web ads and other graphics
- - free backgrounds. obviously.
Graphics generators
- ACA 80x15 Brilliant Button Maker
- Blinkie Makers - Old-school, but customizable
- - New blinkie maker with premade templates
- Bitmap Font CSS - A guide to making bitmap fonts look good in browsers. Also links some bitmap fonts.
- 04 - Some bitmap and y2k fonts.
- 04 - y2k fonts
Fun stuff
- Jellyworld - Adopt a jelly
- gifypet - an embeddable pet for your page!
- SilverHawk's Rad Music Player - a simple MIDI player
- Neopets mood indicators
- The Cutie Factory - cute little 2001 site featuring pixel adoptables
- Yay genderform! - get your very own gender label!